Buckley Maternity Session | Fall Photos | Yearly Photos | Ocean County Photographer

Buckley Maternity Session

This sweet family is expecting their first baby girl. I can not wait to meet my newest niece, we just need her to come already :) I also cant wait to see her brother be an awesome big brother. This isn’t the exact location we had in mind while planning this session but it worked out PERFECTLY!! Another amazing thing is all outfits in this session are now part of my client closet for any future client to use at no extra cost, so if you see something you’d like to use just let me know! Raelynn Belle we are all waiting very impatiently.

Seals Maternity Family Photos | Fall Photos | Yearly Photos | Ocean County Photographer (Copy)

Seals Maternity Family

This sweet family is expecting baby 3. Big siblings are so excited to meet their new friend. We had so much fun together during this session. Cant wait to meet the new little bundle. Thanks so much for allowing me to be a special part of this.

DiGangi Family Photos | Fall Photos | Yearly Photos | Ocean County Photographer

DiGangi Family Photos

This was a great start to fall photos this year. We got a great day weather wise and this sweet family was so easy to work with. They were so fun and totally just went with the flow. Thank you so much for choosing me to take your family photos this year! Hope to see you again next year!

Verdieck Maternity Family Photos | Fall Photos | Yearly Photos | Ocean County Photographer

Verdieck Maternity Family

This sweet family is expecting baby 3. Which will make Lauren a full #boymom! Big brothers are already fighting over who gets to keep him. And their two puppies joined in on the session! The best listeners for dogs I have ever had, bahah! Cant wait to meet the new little guy and find out his name since big brother has already named him.

Sperduto Family Photos | Fall Photos | Yearly Photos | Ocean County Photographer

Sweet Family

The Sperduto's are such a sweet family. The girls were amazing during the session and were so loving to their baby brother; it melted my heart. Not only could you see the love they had for him, but you could see in his eyes how much he loved his sisters. It was just a wonderful thing to capture. Thank you so much for allowing me to do so!

Still Growing Together | Fall Photos | Yearly Photos | Ocean County Photographer

Friends Forever

Not so sure who has followed my little and his buddy over the last few years but here it is that time of year again for us to get these two crazy’s (and more as we grow as families) to get their yearly photo together Same spot, same season, same crate (which I am not sure what we will do once they out grow that stinking thing) , and same amazing kiddos plus a few extras. Next year Mr. Lucas will be joining the crazy crew. This year he was a bit to fragile to throw in the mix ha!

For anyone who is new to the story: This is my handsome dude and his best friend, Tyler. Tyler and Emerson are only weeks apart and have been best buds since they were about 6 months old. Tyler’s mom and I casually took their first fall photos together thinking it would be cute, little did we know here we are 4 years later taking them in the same spot. Watching them grow together has been literally my favorite thing in life, we also added on a little minion that likes to copy and follow them, her name is Quinn. She has hopped in a few photos with them as they are now like a pack and I love every single second of their chaos that they cause together. Melissa and I cannot wait until the boys are 21 and sitting in the very same spot (hopefully on the very same box) taking their yearly photos together. Tyler and Emerson, I hope your bond never breaks Love you boys! Here are some photos from this year and photos from the past for years of them.

Gleason Family Photos | South Jersey Photographer | Child Photography

Look at how big she is!

Watching this sweet little girl who is about to be four grow up just makes me melt. I have been photographing her since she was 6 months old. She has some of the best reactions and such an awesome personality! Thank you Gleasons for allowing me to capture her growing up! See you in a few months when she turns FOUR - gosh where does time go?!

Growing Together | Fall Photos | Yearly Photos | Ocean County Photographe

Friends Forever

It has been nuts over here with finishing up Fall sessions and starting Christmas sessions. But I had a little time to squeeze in some editing of one of my favorite sessions EVERY year. My handsome dude and his best friend, Tyler. Tyler and Emerson are only weeks apart and have been best buds since they were about 6 months old. Tyler’s mom and I casually took their first fall photos together thinking it would be cute, little did we know here we are 4 years later taking them in the same spot. Watching them grow together has been literally my favorite thing in life, we also added on a little minion that likes to copy and follow them, her name is Quinn. She has hopped in a few photos with them as they are now like a pack, and I love every single second of their chaos that they cause together. Melissa and I cannot wait until the boys are 21 and sitting in the very same spot (hopefully on the very same box) taking their yearly photos together. Tyler and Emerson, I hope your bond never breaks <3 Love you boys! Here are some photos from this year and photos from the past for years of them.

Truszkowski Family | Fall Photos | South Jersey Photographer | Child Photography

Family Fall Fun!

It’s great to see returning clients. Not only do I get to watch their little families grow, I get to capture fun moments for them again. Each one of these kiddos has such a great and fun personality. I love getting to know each one of them a little better. We had a beautiful day to spend together in the park! Can’t wait to see you guys next year!!

Nardone Family | Fall Mini | South Jersey Photographer | Child Photography

It’s beginning to look a lot like … FALL!

By goly!! It’s finally starting to look like fall around here!! This fall season has not so nice to us with all the rainy weather and the blazing hot to freezing cold days. The Nardone Family really toughed it out for their fall mini session in the crazy wind last weekend, but the little dudes were totally on point for their photos! Thanks for allowing me to take your family photos!