Look at these!
As I sit here and edit pictures all the time I came across these personal photos that I was unable to edit at the time. Being so busy with work is a good thing, but sometimes our own personal photos get pushed aside and then mom brain happens and I then forget about them. So here is my little princess from a few months ago in my Grandpa’s backyard <3 <3

Ocean County Photographer Jersey Shore Child Photography
Wisteria Tree Manahawkin New Jersey Ocean County New Jersey NJ Photographer

Ocean County Photographer Jersey Shore Child Photography
Wisteria Tree Manahawkin New Jersey Ocean County New Jersey NJ Photographer

Ocean County Photographer Jersey Shore Child Photography
Wisteria Tree Manahawkin New Jersey Ocean County New Jersey NJ Photographer

Ocean County Photographer Jersey Shore Child Photography
Wisteria Tree Manahawkin New Jersey Ocean County New Jersey NJ Photographer

Ocean County Photographer Jersey Shore Child Photography
Wisteria Tree Manahawkin New Jersey Ocean County New Jersey NJ Photographer

Ocean County Photographer Jersey Shore Child Photography
Wisteria Tree Manahawkin New Jersey Ocean County New Jersey NJ Photographer

Ocean County Photographer Jersey Shore Child Photography
Wisteria Tree Manahawkin New Jersey Ocean County New Jersey NJ Photographer